

In spite of the outrageous popularity of the sunday school blog (sarcasm)... I will be shutting it down pretty soon. Somebody has expressed interest in having class audio available on the web, so I'm considering hosting that on a site I run at sakeoftruth.com. Let me know if you have any suggestions! See ya Sunday.



Don't forget that the college class is invited over to our house after church on Sunday (~12:45pm). Detail in class on Sunday.


Class changes in the next 2 weeks

Just a reminder: I will not be teaching the next two Sundays. Please come this Sunday and enjoy a presentation from Josh and Aaron (sorry if I spelled your name wrong!) about the Sudan trip.

Feel free to connect with me in any of the following ways:


2 Timothy 2:22-3:9

1. What are the "youthful desires" from which Timothy is to flee? (Remember context is king!)

2. Even in the presence of false-teaching, what sort of servant of God is Timothy to be?

3. Why does Paul command Timothy to correct 'with gentleness'?

4. In verse 26, Paul implies that __________ is part of the problem.

5. In 3:1, when are the 'last days'?

6. How does Paul describe these kinds of 'last-days' people?


Preview: 2 Timothy 2:14-21

Due to discussion, we didn't get as far as originally planned last week. This week, we'll plan to get through verse 21. In addition to the questions regarding vv. 14-15 (from last week), consider the following:

(1) There's a whole lot of talking going on in Timothy's situation, and much of it seems to be coming from false teachers. What sort of ''talking" is Paul condemning in this section?

(2) Paul gives two examples of 'chatters' and 'talk' spreading like 'cancer': Hymenaeus and Philetus. How can such 'talk' stir up heresy in a church? How about among Christian friends?

(3) By their 'empty-talk' about resurrection, Hymenaeus and Philetus upset the faith of some. Our generation LOVES 'conversation', especially religious ones. What are some examples of conversations we should avoid? Are their times to argue? If so, when do we stop the argument?

(4) Verse 19 pictures a seal written on a foundation. What purpose does this serve in the first-century?

(5) How does the illustration in 2:20-21 relate to the immediate context? (Hint: Think 'useful' vs 'useless').


Preview: 2 Timothy 2:8-18

(1) How will 'remembering Jesus Christ' help Timothy suffer hardship for the Gospel?

(2) Reflecting on verse 9, how worried do you think Paul is about the progress of the Gospel though he is imprisoned?

(3) Compare 2:10 with information that Paul gives about himself in 1:1, 3, 8, 11-12; 2:3, 9; 3:10-11; 4:6-8, 16-18. What do you learn about Paul? What are his priorities?

(4) Verses 11-13 make up what was likely an early Christian saying or hymn. Why would Paul bring this up at this time?

(5) From 2:14 on, Paul begins to talk about false teaching and the dangers associated with arguing against such people. Why in 2:14 does Paul say such arguments are 'useless' and leads to 'ruin'?

(6) Verse 15 is often quoted without recognizing Timothy and his situation! It is the key verse for AWANA Clubs Int. (i.e., Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed). But in the context of this letter, what is Paul's point?

(7) In 2:15, what might Timothy be ashamed of? (Note other occurences of 'shame' or 'ashamed' in chapters 1 and 2!)

(8) Do we face a situation similar to that of Timothy today? How do we obey Paul's words to Timothy? (Be specific).


Preview: 2 Tim. 2:1-7

(1) In 2:1, Timothy is commanded to "be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." What does Paul mean by the word 'grace' in this context?  

[In Paul's language, this word can carry the following possible meanings: a. graciousness, b. unmerited favor ('saved by grace'), c. favor given (the gift itself), d. thanks (gratitude), e. enablement from God to accomplish something]

(2) In 2:2, what are "the things" which Timothy has heard from Paul? (see also 1:13)

(3) How do you think Timothy is to know which men are 'faithful' or 'worthy' to teach others?

(4) In 2:3, Paul uses the same word as in 1:8 to command Timothy to suffer hardship. Why does Paul then bring up the picture of a 'good soldier' (2:3-4)? In the Roman world, what characterizes a 'good soldier'?

(5) In 2:5, what do 'rules' have to do with Timothy suffering hardship for the Gospel?

(6) In 2:6, what should Timothy and a 'hard-working farmer' have in common?

(7) In 2:7, what does Paul want Timothy to do with what has been written so far? 

(8) Thus far in the book, what things emerge as Paul's top priorities as he faces execution? Do YOUR priorities line up with PAUL'S?